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Home > Product Center > Light Microscope > Light Microscope > Metallurgical Microscope > Upright


Product Details
Head Binocular Head
Trinocular Head
Eyepiece WF10x/18
Objective Infinity Plan Achromatic Objectives 4×/0.1/∞/- WD17.3mm
Infinity Plan Achromatic Objectives 10×/0.25/∞/- WD10.0mm
Infinity Plan Achromatic Objectives 40×/0.60/∞/0 WD2.9mm
Stage Double Layer Mechanical Stage150×140mm/75×50mm
Nosepiece Quadruple Nosepiece
Focusing Coaxial Fine & Coarse Adjustment
Illumination Reflect Light: 6V/20W Halogen, Kohler Illumination, Epi-illuminator With Iris Aperture Diaphragm And Iris Field Diaphragm, Brightness Adjustable, With Slot For Polarizer, Analyzer
Filters Blue
Ground Glass

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